

Non-formal education has become a popular and effective way to gain skills and knowledge in New Zealand. This type of education is typically structured, but not accredited and is often seen as a supplement to traditional education. Non-formal education is offered by a variety of organisations, including businesses and charities, and can consist of courses, workshops, seminars, and even internships. It is a great way for professionals and students to expand their skillsets and explore new career paths.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the state of non-formal education in New Zealand and the benefits it can bring.

What is Non-formal Education?

Non-formal education is a type of learning that occurs outside of the traditional classroom setting. It is organised and structured, unlike informal education or self-learning, but is typically not accredited like formal education.

Examples of non-formal education include online courses, seminars, workshops, boot camps, internships, and even independent study. This type of learning is often seen as supplemental to formal education, allowing learners to gain specific skills or knowledge that is not available in the traditional classroom setting.

Benefits of Non-formal Education in New Zealand

Non-formal education has many benefits for New Zealand learners. Here are some of the advantages of non-formal education:

  • Flexibility: Non-formal education offers learners more flexibility when it comes to finding the right learning experience for them. Many programmes are able to be tailored to an individual’s preferences and can be taken at their own pace.
  • Accessibility: Non-formal education is accessible to a wide range of students, no matter their financial situation or educational background. This allows a more diverse student body to take advantage of a variety of learning opportunities.
  • Specialised Skills: Non-formal education often focuses on specialised skills or knowledge that is not available in the traditional classroom setting. This can be a great way for professionals and students to fill gaps in their skillset or explore new career paths.
  • Networking Opportunities: Non-formal education often includes a variety of networking opportunities such as internships, seminars, and workshops. These can be great for meeting new people and making valuable connections.

Non-formal Education Opportunities in New Zealand

There are a variety of organisations offering non-formal education in New Zealand, including businesses, charities, and universities. However, the most accessible type of non-formal education is online courses.

  • Online courses are offered by a variety of organisations in New Zealand. Some courses are free, while others may require a fee. Popular online course providers include Coursera, Udemy, FutureLearn, and edX.
  • Many businesses, charities, and other organisations offer workshops, seminars, and other learning experiences to the public. A great way to find out about these is to look for local events and newsletters.
  • Universities in New Zealand offer non-formal education opportunities, such as short courses and internships. These provide a great opportunity for professionals and students to gain new skills and explore potential career paths.

In summary, non-formal education is an increasingly popular way for New Zealanders to gain new skills and knowledge. It provides a range of benefits and chances to explore new career paths, and is accessible to a wide range of students. With the growing number of organisations offering non-formal education opportunities, it is easy to find the right learning experience for you.