

New Zealand has one of the highest-ranked education systems in the world. Despite this, there have been increasing concerns about the quality of teaching in the country’s schools. This article will explore the current state of New Zealand’s education system and discuss ways to improve the quality of teaching in our schools.

The Current State of New Zealand’s Education System

New Zealand’s education system has been consistently ranked as one of the best in the world. According to a study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), New Zealand’s educational attainment is squarely in the top quartile of OECD countries.

On the other hand, there have been increasing concerns about the quality of teaching in New Zealand’s schools. A 2017 survey commissioned by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) found that nearly a quarter of school principals believed the quality of teaching in their school was “not good” or “unsatisfactory”. This is worrying considering that the quality of teaching is a key factor in student learning and educational attainment.

Challenges to Improving the Quality of Teaching

There are many challenges to improving the quality of teaching in New Zealand’s schools. These include:

  • Lack of resources: Many New Zealand schools are underfunded, resulting in limited resources for teachers and an inability to provide the best learning environment for students.
  • Insufficient training: Many teachers lack the necessary training and qualifications to teach effectively. This can result in poor teaching methods and an inability to engage students.

Strategies for Improving the Quality of Teaching

There are a number of strategies that can be employed to improve the quality of teaching in New Zealand’s schools. These include:

  • Improving teacher training: Teacher training should be improved to ensure that all teachers have the necessary qualifications and experience to teach effectively. This could involve providing more training opportunities or introducing more rigorous selection processes.
  • Increasing resources: Schools should be provided with adequate resources to ensure that teachers have the materials they need to teach effectively. This could include providing more funding for educational programs and materials.

In addition to these strategies, the government should also introduce measures to evaluate and reward good teachers. This could include introducing performance-based pay or providing bonuses for teachers who demonstrate excellence in teaching.

Lastly, schools should be encouraged to create a supportive environment for teachers. This could involve providing more professional development opportunities, recognizing good teaching practices, and creating spaces for teachers to share their experiences.


New Zealand’s education system is one of the best in the world, but there is still room for improvement. The quality of teaching is a key factor in student learning and educational attainment, and it is important that the government and educational institutions take steps to improve the quality of teaching in New Zealand’s schools. By introducing measures such as improved teacher training, increased resources and incentives for good teaching, New Zealand can continue to improve the quality of its education system and ensure that students receive the best possible education.